Agricultural and Livestock Quotations

Current Quotations

As you examine the agricultural and livestock quotations offered by COAMO and Frigo Astra on Monday afternoon, January 15, 2024, it is evident that the Soy, Corn, and Wheat prices are competitive and favorable. These rates provide an exciting opportunity for those in the industry to make lucrative and mutually beneficial decisions. The significant emphasis on these quotes, which are trusted sources, will serve as an anchor for your future decisions and plans.

Moving Forward

Considering these rates as a baseline guideline and the reference of Conseleite and CEPEA/ESALQ for Milk and Swine, respectively, it is paramount to note the reliability of the information for making informed decisions. By comparing these figures, you can effectively analyze and strategize your next steps to scale and grow within your sector. With these current numbers as a foundation, you can take impactful and informed actions today to shape a prosperous and secure future for your agricultural and livestock activities.

Evaluating Future Trends

With the culmination of these current rates and future trends, soaring opportunities are inevitable. By utilizing these reliable sources, you equip yourself with the insights necessary to stay ahead and abreast of the changing course of the agricultural and livestock market. As a result, you will be able to safeguard your activities and be prepared for future uncertainties and challenges.

Integrating for Greater Advantages

As you integrate the information from reliable sources, such as COAMO, Frigo Astra, Conseleite, and CEPEA/ESALQ, you will be better positioned to strategize and make critical decisions to expand and maximize your yields. By leveraging predictions and data analysis, you can optimize your agricultural and livestock ventures and ensure mutual and sustained profitability.


Securing a Lucrative Future

In light of these substantial agricultural and livestock insights, it is evident that leveraging these quotes will be an integral factor in ensuring a prosperous path for your pursuits. By taking into account these reliable agricultural and livestock quotes, you can make informed decisions that will guarantee the growth and longevity of your activities, yielding promising results for sustained success in the future.
Este texto não reflete, necessariamente, a opinião do Jornal Do Campo

Confere aqui a cotações agrícola e pecuária na tarde segunda-feira 15/01/2024

🌱 Soja: R$ 106,00
🌽 Milho: R$ 47,00
🌾 Trigo: R$ 66,00
(Fonte: COAMO)

🐂 Boi Gordo: R$ 235,00/@
(Fonte: Frigo Astra)


🥛 Leite: R$ 2,22
(Fonte: Conseleite)
🐷Suíno: R$ 6,37


FAQ – Cotações Agrícolas e Pecuárias

1. Qual é a cotação da soja?

A cotação da soja é de R$ 106,00.

2. Qual é a cotação do milho?

A cotação do milho é de R$ 47,00.


3. Qual é a cotação do trigo?

A cotação do trigo é de R$ 66,00.

4. Qual é a cotação do boi gordo?

A cotação do boi gordo é de R$ 235,00/@.

5. Qual é a cotação do leite?

A cotação do leite é de R$ 2,22.

6. Qual é a cotação do suíno?

A cotação do suíno é de R$ 6,37.


7. Qual a fonte das cotações agrícolas?

As cotações agrícolas são da COAMO e Frigo Astra.

8. Qual a fonte das cotações pecuárias?

As cotações pecuárias são do Conseleite e CEPEA/ESALQ.


Aqui estão as cotações agrícolas e pecuárias atualizadas para a tarde de segunda-feira, 15/01/2024. Mantenha-se informado para tomar decisões estratégicas para a sua produção e negócio.

Confere aqui a cotações agrícola e pecuária na tarde segunda-feira 15/01/2024


🌱 Soja: R$ 106,00
🌽 Milho: R$ 47,00
🌾 Trigo: R$ 66,00
(Fonte: COAMO)

🐂 Boi Gordo: R$ 235,00/@
(Fonte: Frigo Astra)

🥛 Leite: R$ 2,22
(Fonte: Conseleite)
🐷Suíno: R$ 6,37

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